Our Book, Music & Reading

My Heart, My Home, My Heart – Our Song!


Kelley and Caryn wrote this song by first crowd-sourcing (brainstorming together) words and lines that speak to us of the spirit of the neighborhood. Kelley arranged and orchestrated the song, and she performs it here from her home studio.

Click on the song below to listen to “Our Heart, Our Home, Our Heart.”

Wild East Lawrence Walk

Ken Lassman has created a map and podcast for you to take yourself on this walk, starting at either South Park (near the gazebo) or on the Burrough’s Creek Trail. Try the walk in different seasons to see what you can discover for yourself! The walk starts at South Park, and a shorter version of the walk starts at the Burroughs Creek Trail. The podcast features original music by Natanyael (Natalie Lassman).

You can listen to the podcast here.

You can access the map of the neighborhood here.

Book Launch Concert: Poetry, Memoir, and Music

We’re celebrating our new book through a podcast featuring Dan Bentley, Stephanie Barrows, Marianne L. Curtis, Joni Fornelli, Janet Good, Katherine Greene, Anne Haehl, Suzan Hampton, Nancy Hubble, Ken Lassman, Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg, Dot Nary, Julanne Patrick, Judy Romero, Barry Shalinsky, and Diane Silver.

Listen to our Podcast here!


More Than Just a Neighborhood: Our Book!

You can get your copy through The Raven Bookstore then, and the Raven will also be selling copies of Tony Peterson’s brilliant cover as a poster.

You can also download a PDF of the book by clicking here.

Go to upper right-hand side, and click on the first icon (of an arrow pointing down to paper) to the right of the Share button.